Posts for tag: moles

By DermacenterMD Team
July 11, 2016
Tags: skin   dermatology   skin care   moles   health care  

The medical name for a mole is melanocytic nevus. It is a common benign growth of the color cells of the skin known as melanocytes. Moles normally appear during our first year of life and peak in number in the second or third decade. The average number of moles for an adult is 25. Moles can increase in number with sun exposure, especially sunburns before the age of 12. Some moles may even disappear as you get older.

The more moles you have, the greater your chance is of developing melanoma, the most serious and potentially fatal form of skin cancer. Chronically sun exposed body sites have a higher density of moles normally. Moles may increase in size, particularly before the age of 20. Having a high number of large moles also increases your chances of developing skin cancer.

Keeping track of your moles and checking your skin every month can help to ensure that you know where your moles are and you can be certain that they are not growing or changing. A new or changing mole is at the highest level of risk for skin cancer. If you find anything suspicious in a mole, it is best to have it looked at by your dermatologist.

If you have found something suspicious, call to make an appointment today: 574-522-0265.



By Dr. Roger Moore
October 06, 2015
Tags: melanoma   brown spots   moles   liver spots   age spots  

There are many types of brown spots which can occur on the skin.  Typically the term liver spots is used for the flat brown spots which are noted on the back of the hand as one ages.  If they are flat it is often a freckle like spot called a lentigo.  These brown spots are often worsened by sun exposure.  Thus, sunscreen on a daily basis is a must to reduce the darkness of these lesions.  Also, a laser-like therapy called photo rejuvenation can be utilized to help reduce the appearance of discoloration.

Other common brown spots are moles, freckles, and seborrheic keratosis.  Moles can occur anywhere on the body and usually occur in youth and stop occurring after about the age of 30.   Freckles are related to sun exposure as they are noted on the sun exposed sites like the face, shoulders and upper extremities.   They occur in the youth, but may persist into adulthood.  The seborrheic keratosis are waxy brown rough spots which start after the age of 30 and increase in number as we get older.

The worrisome aspect of brown spots is when melanoma, a cancerous growth of the skin, occurs.  For this reason we recommend each person get a skin cancer screening exam once every year.  Most skin cancers have no pain, bleeding or other symptoms in the initial stages, so a visit can catch cancer early.

Call our office today at (574)522-0265 and schedule your skin cancer screening exam.  No referral is needed. We look forward to seeing you and helping to keep you healthy!

