Posts for tag: squamous cell

By Dr. Roger Moore
November 23, 2015
Category: Skin Cancer

Q: "I understand you need to keep an eye on moles on your skin to guard against the risk of skin cancer, but what exactly should I be looking for?"

A: Moles are clumps of clustered pigment cells that are nearly always darker than freckles. All changes in existing moles should be checked by your doctor. Any that cause concern will be removed and sent off for analysis. You should also check moles yourself once a month. Try the following A, B, C, D. and E Code: check for A (asymmetry); B (border irregularity); C (color change); D (large diameter), and E (evolution or change).

A mole or a dark freckle spot can turn to cancer or melanoma without symptoms such as itching, burning, or pain. So if you have a mole which is dark, irregular or changing then please do get it evaluated. It is estimated that 1 in 75 Americans will have melanoma at some point in their life. This deadly cancer can be relatively easily treated if caught early.

Call our office today at 574-522-0265 to set up an appointment with one of our highly trained providers. 

By Dr. Roger Moore
August 24, 2015
Category: Skin Cancer

Be on the lookout for skin cancer! 1 in 3 people are estimated to have skin cancer in their lifetime. It can affect anyone at any age and with any skin type. You can never be too careful or too cautious. Taking care of your skin, like always remembering your sunscreen, and being educated about skin cancer are great ways to protect yourself and those you love.

Below are five different skin conditions to keep an eye out for when you exam you skin, as well as a short story that demonstrates the importance of knowing what to look for and being diligent in getting in to see your dermatologist for regular skin checks.

Different Types of Skin Cancer:

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)

 The most common cancer diagnosed in the U.S. These present as raised, pink, translucent, pearly nodules that may ulcerate and bleed. These can be found on sun exposed sites, but not always.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)

Usually raised, pink nodules or patches that occur on sun exposed sites. These often occur with no symptoms and a small number can become invasive.


This cancer can become invasive and life threatening. Most are brown to black with irregular borders, but not always.

Be alert for the ABCDE’s:


Border irregularity

Color variation

Diameter (larger than a pencil eraser)

Evolving or changing

Actinic Keratosis (AK)

These pre-cancers are caused by the sun and are often rough scaly bumps. Most occur on sun exposed sites and do have some risk for developing into SCCs.

Seborrheic Keratosis

These waxy tan to brown raised lesions are very common and benign. DermacenterMD considers these proof of wisdom since most occur as you become more fruitful and wise ( a.k.a. age).

That little pink spot was important?

A nice woman who lived downtown and liked to play bingo came in because a friend told her to get a red scaling rash on the left temple checked out. It had been there two months and she had tried several over the counter creams, including hydrocortisone and anti-fungus cream, but it would not go away completely. The spot never had bleeding or pain.

It was suspicious, so a small sample of skin was taken to be sent off to the lab, a procedure termed a biopsy. Most often the biopsies have minimal discomfort and can yield important information as in her case. The spot turned out to be a basal cell cancer. Yes, that little rash was a skin can­cer. She is an example of why we need to 1) educate ourselves on what to look out for and 2) get regular dermatology skin examinations.

Basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma are the most common skin can­cers and they can be treated easily if caught early. Dr. Moore specializes in a scar minimizing, low downtime treatment called Mohs Micrographic Surgery. This technique also provides the highest cure rate available. If you suspect cancer, call now to get your peace of mind and safety.

Our office can be reached at 574-522-0265.

